Enable/Size/Disable memory compression cache

Enable/Size/Disable memory compression cache
ESXi provides a memory compression cache to improve virtual machine performance when you use memory over-commitment. When a host's memory becomes overcommitted, ESXi compresses virtual pages and stores them in memory.

Accessing compressed memory is faster than accessing memory that is swapped to disk so memory compression allows you to over-commit memory with minimum performance penalty. When a virtual page needs to be swapped, ESXi first attempts to compress the page. Pages that can be compressed to 2 KB or smaller are stored in the virtual machine's compression cache, increasing the capacity of the host.Memory compression is enabled by default.

Enabling/Disabling Memory Compression

  1. Open vCenter server and select Hosts and Clusters
  2. Select a host and click the Configuration tab
  3. From the Software tab click Advanced Settings
  4. Set Mem.MemZipEnable
  5. Enter 1 to enable or enter 0 to disable the memory compression cache.

Configuring Memory Compression

  1. Open vCenter server and select Hosts and Clusters
  2. Select host and click the Configuration tab
  3. From the Software tab click Advanced Settings
  4. Set Mem.MemZipMaxPct
  5. This value must be between 5 and 100 percent.


  1. http://pubs.vmware.com/vsphere-50/index.jsp?topic=/com.vmware.vsphere.resmgmt.doc_50/GUID-FD71CBCA-E97C-4EFA-8A1B-32C09D5DF2A1.html
  2. http://blog.edgoad.com/2011/11/vcp5-enablesizedisable-memory.html