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This page is geared towards technical/technology articles.
Installing Apache On Linux
I am in the process of setting up a Wiki, the hard way. I.e. I want to host it myself (at least prove that I could) instead of using a Hosting Service. I will be setting up my own Web Server (Apache), PHP and MySQL database. I am sharing the result of my effort. This article describes the first step: setting up a Web Server. My server is running Redhat Linux AS 5, however I believe these are generic steps that will work on any UNIX or Linux server. If you have steps for Windows or Mac, please share them here.
Installing PHP5 On Linux
Now Installing PHP. MediaWiki, my chosen Wiki for this project requires PHP5. If your hosting provider already has PHP5, you might not need to perform this step.
Installing MySQL On Linux
Step #3 in the Wiki creation task is the setup of MySQL. Note that if you or your hosting provider already has MySQL you can skip this step and simply create a new database (or table) for your Wiki files.
Also note that not all Wikis require a database. I am installing MySQL because MediaWiki, requires it.
Statistics Course Information
Contributed material on a Business Statistics course.
VCP5 Prep
Study Notes for VMware Certified Professional 5 Certification Exam
More to come. Suggestions/contributions welcome
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