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One Kobo dot Com is a portal on the political and social life of Nigeria. It hosts news, forums and articles. The site is all-natural, fully reader supported and dynamic.

This page is geared towards notable news events in and affecting Nigeria.
Nigeria2007 In Relief
The 2007 Nigerian Presidential Election is slated for 21st April. Here's a very brief profile of Nigeria to perhaps put the Elections in context and perhaps provoke discussion on the fits and starts of the Nigerian political journey.

This is by no means exhaustive or unbiased. However as a patriot once said, "even the worst political government is better in the long run than the best military regime." History will be the judge.
News Event II
Graceland, graceland, I'm going to see graceland.
For reasons I can not explain there's some part of me that wants to see graceland.
News Event III
Graceland, graceland, I'm going to see graceland.
For reasons I can not explain there's some part of me that wants to see graceland.
More to come. Suggestions/contributions welcome
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